Our current notices can be given to users for almost any condition that exists in the database with the following means. Login, module open, change of value, email, SMS text message. Sometimes even several of these can be used.
There is another way that is growing in popularity. Because of smart phones users are already conditioned to check a badge on their applications.
The badge can also list multiple alerts, and provide a button to quickly view the records with the alert.
Badges can be assigned per employee. This is very interesting for management because the badge for one purpose can be assigned to a worker and also a manager. This helps overcome unforeseen circumstances. For example let’s say we had an employee out for maternity leave and the badge assigned was increasing. The manager should notice the higher number, and resolve the responsibility of this task.
The thing we like about this notification system is that it is persistent and works well with management. We have found many company tasks that can be assigned and managed with this tool. Other ways like SMS message or email do not give us a visual that something needs attention. Batches can make a difference in your business.